Corporate Individual

For you who are a Caregiver

We work with many different care providers and it is DSS Hälsa in collaboration with our sister companies that recruits, ensures quality and makes agreements for our network of doctors, clinics and therapists. In addition, we collaborate with a selection of hospitals across the country.

Quality assurance, selection of the right medical competence is the key to a good collaboration and high customer satisfaction. We meet regularly with our suppliers to ensure efficient routines, good communication and satisfied customers. It is the patient journey from start to finish that is most important to us and the individual insurance patient.

We also give our customers the opportunity to choose their own care provider. If DSS Hälsa is to be invoiced directly from a care provider that is not part of DSS Hälsa's network - please contact us well in advance, so we can establish agreements and invoicing etc.


The formal requirements for the invoice must be met before we can complete the payment.

Invoices can be sent via the e-mail address

Please always fill in the "order number" in the invoice you send.

For questions about invoices, you can contact us every weekday during the period 9-16:

08-4000 6121.

Note! If you use an email address to forward invoices and other documents to us, you must ensure that you can communicate securely with us and thus comply with the GDPR rules.